170 varieties of organic fruit
93 acres of orchards, vineyards, woods and wetland
68 miles west of the Twin Cities
A handful of Creation-loving people seeking kin
One glorious, generous Creator
Good Courage Farm is the faith-filled response of the Rev. Kerri Meyer and Dr. Jen Blecha to the call of the Holy Spirit to join in the renewal of God's good earth and to follow Christ's example of feeding all who hunger.
Connected to the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, and located on the ancestral homelands of our Wahpekute and Mdewakanton neighbors (read our land acknowledgement and our commitment to reparations), Good Courage Farm is a place where neighbors of all faiths and none gather to work for food justice and to witness God’s renewing love for all of Creation. The ministry is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization affiliated with The Episcopal Church in Minnesota.
At Good Courage, friends of God and God's good Earth gather in worship, fellowship, community building and labor. We are blessed to be part of the larger faith-based food and agriculture movement. Embedded in the beauty, abundance and travail of farming, Good Courage offers hospitality and space for service, sacrament and sabbath.
The farm uses regenerative methods (attentive to biodiversity and to soil health) to grow lots of perennial food crops. The 18-acre farmstead is home to chickens, ducks, goats and a few stray peafowl, as well as to myriad nations of other creatures - songbirds, frogs, snakes, grasshoppers, bats and more.
The barn, built in 1927, houses worship services and fellowship events. We sing morning and evening prayer in our silo chapel. The Well House offers rustic accommodations for workstay guests.
Good Courage Farm
170 varieties of organic fruit
93 acres of orchards, vinyards, woods and wetland
68 miles west of the Twin Cities
A handful of Creation-loving people seeking kin
One glorious, generous Creator
Good Courage Farm is the faith-filled response of the Rev. Kerri Meyer and Dr. Jen Blecha to the call of the Holy Spirit to join in the renewal of God's good earth and to follow Christ's example of feeding all who hunger.
Connected to the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, and located on the ancestral homelands of our Wahpekute and Mdewakanton neighbors (read our land acknowledgement and our commitment to reparations), Good Courage Farm is a place where neighbors of all faiths and none gather to work for food justice and to witness God’s renewing love for all of Creation. The ministry is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization affiliated with The Episcopal Church in Minnesota.
At Good Courage, friends of God and God's good Earth gather in worship, fellowship, community building and labor. We are blessed to be part of the larger faith-based food and agriculture movement. Embedded in the beauty, abundance and travail of farming, Good Courage offers hospitality and space for service, sacrament and sabbath.
The farm uses regenerative methods (attentive to biodiversity and to soil health) to grow lots of perennial food crops. The 18-acre farmstead is home to chickens, ducks, goats and a few stray peafowl, as well as to myriad nations of other creatures - songbirds, frogs, snakes, grasshoppers, bats and more.
The barn, built in 1927, houses worship services and fellowship events. We sing morning and evening prayer in our silo chapel. The Well House offers a quiet space for individuals on spiritual retreat.