Good Courage Farm
Cultivating life abundant as part of God's good Creation.
Worshipping and learning at the intersection of food, farming, and faith.
Nourishing neighbors in body and spirit, as Jesus taught.

Get fruit. Give fruit.
Love fruit? Love justice? Love convenience? Learn more about how you and your faith community can participate in our 2025 FCSA (Faith Community Supported Agriculture) Season. Members of our market-style season support the farm ministry by purchasing regeneratively grown, fresh, local fruit for delivery to your church on Sundays, May-October. Pick up pears, raspberries, currants, apples and more right after worship each week! With your support, we'll take abundant fruit of the same varieties to share with those who hunger, working with our food access ministry partners.
These challenging times call for
both a practical and a spiritual response.
Can you give a gift today
to help renew both land and faith?
Now more than ever our world needs both urgent action on the ground and spiritual transformation in our society if we are to protect vulnerable neighbors and vulnerable ecologies. We know you share our concern that in the months and years to come, emergency food shelf use will continue to rise, the climate crisis will be exacerbated, ideological polarization will intensify, and our brittle food systems will crumble. Good Courage Farm’s mission counters all these troubles with faith-filled action.
The work remains the same as it has ever been:
Welcome the stranger.
Feed those who hunger with good food.
Protect the ecology where we live.
Pray and sing together.
Build bridges across the rural-urban chasm.
Learn and teach ways – ancient and new – to farm in harmony with Creation.
Good Courage Farm provides space and opportunities for people of all faiths (and none) to join in this ongoing hopeful work.​​​
Good Courage Farm is a 501(c)3 nonprofit religious organization (EIN 87-1092418).
Your gift of financial support is fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
What's Growing at Good Courage
Food | Fellowship | Faith Formation

Food for All: Partner with Good Courage by helping to grow and share the farm's organic produce
Thanks to generous support from individuals and faith communities, the farm currently provides fresh eggs, fruit, vegetables and meat to our partners at First Nations Kitchen, Casa Maria, McLeod Emergency Food Shelf, and Zion Lutheran's Community Kitchen. Get in touch with us about volunteering or partnering with Good Courage to share good food with neighbors.
Food + Faith Apprenticeships: Young adults! Come spend
a season learning and serving,
working and praying on the farm
Interested in exploring agrarian Christian communal life? Good Courage welcomes young adults between the ages of 19-26 to spend several months learning about regenerative agriculture and deep green faith. Thanks to the generosity of many, we can offer both wages and housing to apprentices who commit to a season of
six weeks or longer.
Faith Formation: Come spend a day in prayer and work with us, deepening your literacy in reading Creation and Scripture together
Join us for a Saturday of ora et labora - work and prayer - with one of our immersive agrarian faith formation cohorts. Orchard Stewards meets on First Saturdays of the month, while Vineyard Stewards meet on Second Saturdays. If your faith community has a confirmation program, bring your youth out to Good Courage for one of our Eco-Confirmation Field Days in April or September.
Contact Good Courage Farm
21161 York Road, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350
+1 (320) 331-3332